How to Clean Your Home Without Nasty Chemicals
I’ve been conscious of making healthier choices for myself and my children for a long time now. Eating a balanced diet, keeping active, limiting screen time, drinking plenty of water, getting enough sleep… But something I hadn’t really thought about until recently was what I was using to clean our home.
It wasn’t until my mum started telling me about the natural cleaning products she uses (very different from the store-bought cleaners when we were kids!) that I realised just how many chemicals I brought into our home. It was actually quite concerning to be honest, that on a daily basis, I was spraying toxic substances into the air my kids breathe, using them to wipe down the surfaces we prepared food on, and using them to wash our clothes.
And so, over the past few months, I have been switching out products full of nasty chemicals, for natural versions. The benefits are enormous and there’s no down side. It’s better for your family’s health, better for the environment, and better for your bank account! I was so surprised to discover most natural options to be far cheaper, go a lot further, and have multiple uses, compared to their branded, chemical-laden counter parts.
Here are my top three natural products for cleaning your home WITHOUT the nasty chemicals.
- Homemade Multi-Purpose Spray
This natural cleaning spray is easy to make and can be used for kitchen and bathroom benches and any other tiled surfaces (including floors). These quantities are the way my mum does it, but feel free to adjust to a combination you’re happy with. Just mix ¼ cup of white vinegar, 2 cups of water, and a few drops of tea tree oil in a spray bottle. Voila! If you want to add a scent to your spray, just add a few drops of your favourite essential oil. I love citrus-based oils for a fresh and zesty smell, or lavender-based oils for a relaxing and soothing smell.
- Baking Soda
Baking soda is one of my go-to natural products because it is so versatile. Here are just a few of the ways I use it:
- Shower tiles and grout – use as a paste, mixed with water, to scrub shower tiles and grout. I used to find chemical shower cleaners so overpowering that I would often feel lightheaded. That can’t be good for anyone! So to have ditched the harsh chemical sprays for baking soda, is one of the best product swaps I have made to date.
- Kitchen sink – use as a paste, mixed with water, to scrub the kitchen sink.
- Onion Hands – to get the onion smell (or any other smell) out of your hands after cooking, just clean them with baking soda paste.
- Getting marks off the walls – when you have kids, you’re going to have marks on the walls. It comes with the territory. Anything from markers, to hand prints, to shoe marks and everything in between. I’ve tried various chemical sprays over the years but nothing has worked as well as scrubbing with a damp cloth, with a little bit of baking soda. Marks that I thought were there to stay have come off with the baking soda. Works like magic!
- White Vinegar
White vinegar is another one that can be used for so many things! Who knew? These are just a few of its many uses when it comes to cleaning:
- Washing clothes – use a capful of 50:50 solution of vinegar and water instead of store-bought fabric softener. Works a treat, is better for those with sensitive skin and saves a whole lot of money!
- Glass and mirrors – in a 50:50 solution of vinegar and water, it is excellent as a glass cleaner instead of chemical sprays. I was silly enough to buy a glass dining table, which looks great unless you have kids, in which case it is constantly covered in grimy hand prints. The vinegar and water spray has saved my sanity in keeping that table clean!
- Toilet – use undiluted to clean the toilet bowl. Just pour around the top of the bowl & then scrub!

And finally, since this is a page for mums, here is my go-to natural solution for cleaning a urine-soaked mattress! I think all mums of little ones have experienced this at one point or another… enjoying a snuggle with your little one who’s made their way into your bed at some point in the night only to wake up in a puddle of wee. My children, God love them, have given me plenty of experience in how to best clean a peed-on mattress, and the below combo has been most effective by far.
Firstly, blot up as much of the urine from the mattress as possible. Then spray with a 50:50 solution of white vinegar and water. Leave that to soak for around 10 minutes and then blot as much of the liquid up again. Then cover the wet area with baking soda and leave for as long as possible (overnight if that’s an option). Repeat the whole process if needed. You’ll be left with a clean mattress without any lingering urine smell – hooray! As a secondary tip, I recommend getting mattress protectors for ALL beds in the house, so no matter where you little ones end up sleeping, you’re covered.
There are so many ways to keep your house clean without using harsh chemicals. These are just a few of the basics that I use, to help get you started. It takes a little bit of getting used to while you transition from store-bought to natural products, but in the long run will save you time, money, and be better for your family and for the environment. What’s not to love? Happy, healthy cleaning mummies!
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