Making Time for YOU
‘You can’t pour from an empty cup’, ‘Self-care is a priority’, ‘Take time for yourself’. How many times have we seen these gems pop up in well-meaning articles and Facebook memes? But it’s all easier said than done!
When you’re a mum, TIME is the one thing you have in the shortest supply. There’s small people to be kept alive, food to be made, work deadlines to meet, washing to be done, a school art project to find blue feathers for… The list is always endless.
But that’s the thing, because the list is endless, it doesn’t hurt to add one more thing to it. And that thing is 30 minutes (minimum) of PEACE to your day. That could be a bath, or mindless nonsense on Netflix, or a pilates session, or a glass of wine while reading your favourite book. It doesn’t matter as long as it allows you to tune out the cacophony of noise that is motherhood and relax.

The reason to do this is twofold. The first is because you absolutely deserve it. Being a mum is an impossible task, and you’re doing it EVERY DAY.
The second is especially important for those of us who tend to prioritise everyone in the family before ourselves. If you don’t take TIME OUT, then you will BURN OUT.
One of my husband’s favourite sayings to my kids is ‘Don’t break your mother’. But I am often my own worst enemy, forgetting to schedule precious moments to decompress. I have to remind myself that I can’t take care of anyone, let alone everyone, if I am a crying exhausted mess. And let’s face it, we’ve all had moments when we have utterly fallen apart from the daily stress and fatigue that comes with juggling parenting, working, being a friend, daughter, sister, partner, etc.
So, try it, take a little time for yourself. And if you’re still wondering how or what that should look like, take some advice from Julie Burton, author of The Self-Care Solution: A Modern Mother’s Must-Have Guide to Health and Well-Being.
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