Healthy Lunchbox Tips


It’s that time again! The kids are heading back to school ready for a year full of learning, fun, and making memories with new and old friends.

As parents, we want to know that our children are flourishing during their time at school.  One important part of their day that is sure to help their little growing bodies is lunch time.

Now of course we want to make sure we’re filling their lunch boxes with nutritious options, but we also need to be sure it’s food that will actually be eaten! If it is;t appealing it’s either going to get left in there or worse, thrown in the bin!

So here are some tips to help make sure the food you are putting into their lunch box is healthy and delicious.

1. Look for variety

While throwing together a sandwich is quick and easy in the morning rush, it might not always be the healthiest option for our children. Common sandwich spreads may not contain preservatives, but that doesn’t mean they’re not loaded with sugar or salt.

Also, given that white bread is a simple carbohydrate with little nutritional value, our bodies process it fairly quickly leaving us feeling hungry shortly after we eat. So if we want our children focused on their learning in the classroom the last thing we need if for them to be distracted by hunger.

As an alternative to a sandwich, try something that is high in protein like boiled eggs, or a baked chicken leg. Protein helps our bodies in many ways and also keeps us feeling fuller for longer. It also plays an important role in the building of bone and muscles.

If you feel like you can’t completely avoid bread, try using some wholemeal or sourdough bread or wholemeal wraps and fill them with salad.  

Remember to throw in an ice brick or two and use an insulated lunch box to make sure the food stays nice and cold.

One of my favourite sandwich alternatives are these simple Egg Muffins.  They’re simple and the kids love them.

2. Include fruit, vegetables and berries.

We all know how important it is to eat fruits and vegetables, so why not substitute these for the processed or packaged foods in your kids lunch boxes?

It’s super easy to cut up an apple, and throw in a banana or mandarin, but try to think of other options that will help your child eat a variety of fruits and veggies each day. Cut up raw tomato, cucumber, or carrot, snow peas, passionfruit (pre cut in half, don’t forget to pack the spoon!) kiwifruit, watermelon, grapes or celery. A small portion of cooked corn on the cob is another great vegetable option.

Dips are also a great way to make raw vegetables fun so try cutting them into sticks and pack some avocado dip or hummus too.

Berries will also help to add a sweet treat into their lunch box so while you’re at it, throw in some organic strawberries, blueberries, or raspberries.

3. Have a healthy treat

While in a ideal world we’d all love for our kids to eat healthy food all time, they still all love to have a treat every now and then. So why not jump one step ahead and give them a healthy one to enjoy.

My kids love popcorn and one of the best things I ever bought was a popcorn machine. This allows us to make healthy popcorn without all the nasty ingredients added into the prepackaged ones. Simply pop some into a zip lock bag and you’ve got a great alternative to packaged chips or treats.

Other great healthy treats to try are these Healthy LCM treats, or if you have a food dehydrator, these Homemade Healthy Fruit Straps are a winner too.

4.  H20 is the way to go!

There are so many products out there that are marketed towards children with their kids sized portions and labels. These products might seem like an easy option but when it comes to packing a drink for you child’s lunch box there’s no better way to go than water.

What about fruit juices? Although they might seem like a healthy option, they are may have added sugars or artificial ingredients. Sure juice is fine as a treat every now and then but try and go for something that has no added sugar or even better, make some fresh juice yourself so you know exactly what’s in there and enjoy some with them at home.

5. Preparation is Key

The best way to make sure you always have healthy options for your child’s lunch box is to be prepared. Plan out what you want to include before the start of the week and make yourself a shopping list so nothing is forgotten.

A second trip might be needed in the middle of the week to make sure everything is nice and fresh and to also stop you from reaching for those chip packets when your supply of healthy food is low.


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